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Rapids Camp – An Adventure on the Edge!

(By Mr Cedric Ongeri)

Picture this: You’re standing on the edge of a 40ft cliff, the sound of the river rushing below, your heart pounding in your chest. You know what’s coming next—the jump. But will you take the plunge?

This was just one of the many heart-pounding, adrenaline-fueled moments we experienced at Rapids Camp, Sagana, during our three-day retreat, thanks to the amazing organization by Millennium International School and Active Mavens Group. Here’s a look at the wild ride we went on—filled with challenges, laughter, and adventure at every turn.

Day 1: A Splashy Start and a Bonfire Under the moonlight

It was at 12.15 PM, the moment we set foot at Rapids Camp, the excitement was already in the air. After unpacking and settling into our tents, the students couldn’t wait to get wet! Our first stop: swimming, the water gliding and tubing down the “pool” section of River Sagana. Sliding into the cool waters, dodging geckos along the way, felt like an adventurous initiation. As we floated along the river, we knew one thing—this was just the beginning of what would be an epic few days.

As dusk settled, the mood shifted from adventure to awe. We embarked on a moonlit walk, exploring the rugged beauty of Murang’a County. The landscape looked almost magical in the fading light, but the real magic happened later—gathered around a roaring bonfire, roasting marshmallows, playing board games and sharing stories. The perfect end to a perfect first day.

Day 2: Rapids, Cliff Jumps, and Facing Fears

Here’s where the thrill factor shot through the roof. Day two started with a delicious breakfast, but there was no time to linger. The rafting adventure was waiting! With safety gear in place, the students hit the water, nerves tingling. The river started off calmly, but soon enough, we encountered our first set of rapids. The boats bounced and twisted as the students paddled with all their might to stay on course. The first 3-4 ft drops came out of nowhere—screams filled the air as the rafts plunged over the edge, splashing into the water below. Just as we thought our adrenaline levels couldn’t go any higher, it was time for the ultimate test of courage—the 40ft cliff jump. Standing at the top, it felt like the world below had stopped. Some of us hesitated, looking down at the waiting river below, our legs feeling like jelly. But as one brave soul took the leap, the rest followed. The free-falllasted just a few seconds, but the rush lasted a lifetime. It was a leap of faith, quite literally, and everyone who took the plunge came out with their hearts still racing and their spirits sky-high while others brave souls like Maya made it seem like a walk in the park.

Meanwhile, back at camp, the action didn’t stop. Students who weren’t rafting took part in a friendly archery and soccer competition, testing their aim and agility. While the cliff jump tested bravery, these sports showcased teamwork, precision, and skill. But everyone agreed—the true heroes of the day were the brave souls who conquered their fears at the cliff!

Day 3: Sunrise, Waterfall Challenges, and Sweet Goodbyes

The final day began with a breathtaking sunrise walk. There’s something truly magical about watching the world come to life at dawn. We walked through footpaths and crossed a suspended bridge. Now that’s an adventure! The moment you step on, the bridge starts to sway, like it’s testing your bravery. With every creak, you’re reminded of the wild river below, rushing like it’s daring you to look down. It feels like walking on a tightrope—part terrifying, part exhilarating! Your hands grip the ropes, your heart races, but something in you says, "Keep going!" The calm of the early morning was a stark contrast to the thrills of the previous days, offering a moment of reflection before the next big adventure.

Our last challenge was the waterfall row, a test of strength and teamwork. In teams of six, we battled the river’s current, attempting to row beneath the roaring waterfall. Easier said than done! Although Jimmy’s team almost tasted victory, no team made it all the way under the falls but that didn’t matter. The thrill of the challenge, the rush of the water, and the cheers of encouragement made it one of the trip’s most memorable experiences.

With the adventure coming to a close, it was time to pack up and bid farewell to Rapids Camp. But before we left, there was a tug of war, that was nothing short of legendary. All the students were ready to prove their strength. But let’s be real—Ivan was the true king of the rope! As soon as he dug his heels into the ground, it was like he became an immovable force. Teams of two, even three students couldn’t budge him, no matter how hard they pulled! The rest of the students were testing their strength too, faces red with effort, giving it everything they had. It wasn’t just a test of strength; it was a test of willpower and teamwork.

A Huge Thank You!

None of this would have been possible without the incredible efforts of Millennium International School Directors and Active Mavens Group. Their flawless organization turned what could have been a simple school retreat into an unforgettable adventure that pushed us to our limits and beyond. From the cliff jumps to the campfires, every detail was carefully thought out, and we are immensely grateful.

A special shout-out to the teachers, who not only ensured students were safe but also joined in on the fun, sometimes even doubling as comedians to keep the lotentertained.Whether  screaming with the students through rapid falls or cracking up the students with killer dance moves of  Mr. Ernest, “the dancing proton”, they made sure everyone had the ultimate camping experience—even if it meant being the first one in line for the cliff jump.

This trip wasn’t just about adventure—it was about building courage, friendships, teamwork, and unforgettable memories.

One fun fact we learned during our stay: Rapids Camp straddles two counties—Kirinyaga and Murang’a! So technically, we camped in both counties at once, making this trip not just an adventure but a unique geographical experience.

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